BlueRockTEL provides you with the OVHBills class, which allows you to easily retrieve your OVH invoices using the API:

  • The PDF version of each invoice is downloaded to the directory specified in the configuration file
  • The details of each invoice are saved in two tables in your database (bills and billsDetails)

You can specify the date from which you want to retrieve the invoices in the configuration file. However, OVHBills will only retrieve new invoices to avoid creating duplicates.

In summary, the class:

  • Creates the bills and billsDetails tables if they don’t exist
  • Lists all the invoices
  • Retrieves each invoice as a PDF file
  • Retrieves the details of each invoice into the two tables
  • Sets the “deposit” amount for each invoice
  • Sets the “out-of-plan” amount for each invoice

Use OVHBills:


Download OVHBills from GitLab (MIT license):

Of course, if you prefer to delegate the technical aspects, we can also install OVHBills for you, either on one of our servers or on one of yours.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.